“ if they knew how much we in the UK are throwing away, what would they think of us?”
We are consuming too much, and throwing it away too quickly. Our landfills are full of worn once clothing, literally throwing away millions of pounds (according to guardian, approx. 10m this summer was ditched after 1 wear in the UK only). This is even more nonsensical when you consider that nearly half the world lives on less than $5.50 a day (World bank reference) if they knew how much we in the UK are throwing away, what would they think of us?
'“ normally goes into landfill to just waste away while emitting methane into our air.”
At TOBEFRANK when we don’t use organic we use recycled cotton to make our t-shirts and other cotton based glad rags. A whopping 800 tonnes of cotton which has never been worn comes to the recycling plant we work with every month. This is a HUGE amount which would normally go into landfill to just waste away while emitting methane into our air.
Other than obviously only buying your clothes from us, a good way to get involved with recycling is making it part of your everyday life.
“I try my hardest not to buy plastic but sometimes it’s literally impossible especially if its budget month or work deadline time”
It can be tricky and I must admit recycling can be really confusing. I try my hardest not to buy plastic but sometimes it’s literally impossible especially if its budget month or work deadline time. I do sometimes find plastic in my shopping bag, such as my favourite squash, shampoo, washing up liquid and dishwasher salts (so rock and roll). Some packaging does give advice on what part of the packaging is recyclable or not. But some just have the plastic resin number code, which is really confusing. I’ve added the image below as a guide, but as a general rule, don’t buy plastic which is a 3,4,6 and certainly not 7.
“ don’t buy plastic which is a 3,4,6 and certainly not 7.”

Also, a few things to watch out for:
· When buying coffee, most coffee cup tops are 6, which is confusing when the actual cup is recyclable or even compostable.
· Buying food covered in plastic, the plastic tray will more than likely be a 2, but the film on the top will be a 7.
· Try buying veg from a local market or buy loose and don’t put in a plastic bag. The film that is around the cucumber is not recyclable. There are arguments in defence of plastic covered veg as it keeps the food fresher for longer, however, that’s plastic will last forever. But there is hope, I have heard from some supermarkets that they are changing this to biodegradable.
· Magazine plastic cover, this is my personal devil. I have always adored magazines and have them piled high on my bookshelves at home. BUT sadly if the magazine is wrapped in plastic, I just cannot bring myself to buy it. This plastic is probably going to be a 7 which will just go straight to landfill. A lot of publications are now making the plastic covers out of compostable materials which is wonderful! I can still get my economist delivered.
· Lastly but certainly not least, never use plastic bags. They are used for a second then they are ditched and they last forever, 100,000 marine creatures a year die due to getting entangled in plastic. One plastic bag can kill hundreds of animals because they take so long if at all to disappear. Instead use tote bags, they may cost £1 more but they can be used over and over again. Someone once said to me that plastic bags aren’t actually bad compared to totes as they use less energy to make than a tote bag, yes a tote bag takes more time and energy (solar can improve this) to make, BUT a plastic bag lasts FOREVER, and kills turtles. Tote bags don’t kill turtles.
Remember, no one is perfect, it’s better to have loads of people helping in their own ways imperfectly than only a few people doing it perfectly.
Go forth and save the world with recycling!!!
Love, Frankie xx